Sunday, January 11, 2009

Have you ever thought about the role of creativity in education?

When I was at Uni studying Psychology, I clearly remember one of my lecturers, Professor Jim Staines, talking about how we are all born with a broad range of abilities and that as we mature, skills and creativity are lost. In essence, our skills become refined or more specific.
Sir Ken Robinson, a noted educational speaker has re-iterated this thought in an inciteful presentation. Well worth spending a few moments to watch

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

VITTA Conference

A very enjoyable experience

Using Blogger

Google's application of Blogger provides a quick and easy way to collaborate with your students in setting up a Blog.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Learning Technologies and the Smartboard

Now we have Smartboards in most Primary schools. In fact, the All Saints Cluster has boards in all classrooms except for 2 schools! That's a lot of boards.
How has this enhanced teaching and learning? Has learning increased to justify the cost?